Designing, constructing, operating multi-channel VHF communication systems
Mammut Bevásárlóközpont, Köki terminál, Ázsia Center, Főtaxi
Designing, constructing, operating and maintaining security VHF communication systems
Fire Station of Budapest, Nuclear Power Station of Paks, National Disaster Management Authority, EDV Zrt, DMRV Zrt, Cpntrolsoft Kft.
Designing, licensing, constructing, operating VHF sound and communication systems
Island Festival, “Holy Right Hand” procession on 20 August and other religious processions. Auchan events, drive-in cinema in Árkád Shopping Mall, “Kisbér Days” festival events
EMC pre-qualifications, RF field strength measurements
Budapesti Közlekedési Vállalat, Telenor, T-com, Fehérvár Rádió, Gong Rádió, Budapest Citadella
Industrial cable TV and satellite systems
Sony Hungária, Balatonlelle Társasház, Klasszik Rádió, Info Rádió, Mária Rádió